Swimming for Performance
Training to compete is learned not acquired. Practice should be performance based.
Initially Develop Skills
Attention: make sure swimmers are paying attention
Variety: use variety not dozens of repeats of same skill
Engagement: be creative and let swimmers choose drills they like
Quality: practice at shorter sets
Mastery of Skills - Set personal goals for skill in a manner that engages swimmer. Engage swimmers with sets they like as options.
Performing Skills Well - at SPEED
Performing Skills Well – at Speed – under FATIGUE
Performing Skills Well – at Speed – under Fatigue – under PRESSURE
Performing Skills Well – at Speed – under Fatigue – under Pressure and CONSISTENTLY
Performing Skills Well – at Speed – under Fatigue – under Pressure and Consistently in PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS
Focus on mental skills, relaxation, not tension while racing.
Practice with consistency and prepare competition skills throughout the training not just before swim meets, build relationships, engage swimmers, and have fun.
~ Adapted and excerpted from Wayne Goldsmith, American Swimming, 2018 Edition Issue.